Uncommon Ground....

My partners and I have over 25 years of combined experience in the merchant processing and financial industries.  We were witness to reprehensible practices by sales professionals and were driven to action.  It is now our mission to fill in the holes of understanding that have be left by your current processor.  We plan on doing so in the most open and honest way possible, while providing you with the options that you should have been afforded since day one.  It is our belief that by doing so, we restore your most basic of rights - the right to make an informed decision.

Were you told that your merchant processing rate was lower than 1% only to find out the ugly truth when your merchant statement arrived?  Did your representative "forget" to tell you about all of those extra fees?  Were you roped into an equipment lease?  Or are you new to business and want a refresshing change from the high pressure tactics of the common sales person.

Well, you're not alone.

While it is our belief that you will realize that Payability Inc. is the right choice for you, it is our pledge that we will not with-hold information or skew the facts in order to sway your decision.  Rather, we will provide you with all available information and remain confident that you will make the right decision for your business.

Payability Inc. realizes that we are treading on uncommon ground.  However, we are convinced that by doing right by you, our customer, that we are doing what is right.  We refuse to do it any other way!